HiMedia – HiH2S H2S Test Medium - K019
HiMedia HiH2S 硫化氫快速檢測粉未培養基 - K019
1993年,世界衛生組織(Ref 1)推薦常規監測 - 飲用水是否完全不存在耐溫型大腸菌群和沙門氏菌的污染。大腸菌群可能不夠作為最近糞便污染的唯一指標。
有研究表明,在熱帶地區,水中的大腸菌群和沙門氏菌之間不存在相關性(Ref 2,3)。
該試劑盒基於硫化氫的檢測,可以在即使不存在大腸菌群的情況下,檢測到鼠傷寒沙門氏菌和弗氏檸檬酸桿菌(Ref 4)。
它富含生長因子和氮源營養。加入的半胱氨酸使得培養基對於鼠傷寒沙門氏菌和弗氏檸檬酸桿菌的檢測更靈敏,耗時更少(Ref 5)。
1. WHO, 2006, Guidelines for drinking water quality, Vol. 1 Recommendations, 1st Addendum to 3rd edition.
2. Townsend S.A., 1992, The relationships between and faecal indicator bacteria concentrations in two pools in the Australia wet / dry tropics. Journal of Appl. Bacteriol. 73:182-188.
3. Peterson D.J., and Schorsch I., 1980, The microbiological surveillance of drinking water in Western Australia. WA Health Surveyor.2 (June). 7-11.
4. Manja K.S., Maurya M.S. and Rao K.M., 1982, A simple field test for the detection of faecal pollution in drinking water. Bulletin of the World Health Organisation, 60:797-801.
5. Sobsey M.D. and Pfaender F.K. Evaluation of the H2S Method for Detection
1. WHO, 2006, Guidelines for drinking water quality, Vol. 1 Recommendations, 1st Addendum to 3rd edition.
2. Townsend S.A., 1992, The relationships between and faecal indicator bacteria concentrations in two pools in the Australia wet / dry tropics. Journal of Appl. Bacteriol. 73:182-188.
3. Peterson D.J., and Schorsch I., 1980, The microbiological surveillance of drinking water in Western Australia. WA Health Surveyor.2 (June). 7-11.
4. Manja K.S., Maurya M.S. and Rao K.M., 1982, A simple field test for the detection of faecal pollution in drinking water. Bulletin of the World Health Organisation, 60:797-801.
5. Sobsey M.D. and Pfaender F.K. Evaluation of the H2S Method for Detection

    在環境溫度25°C~ 44°C,培養24~48小時後,觀察培養特徵。
微生物(ATCC) |
生長 |
H2S產生 |
弗氏檸檬酸桿菌(8090) |
旺盛 |
+ |
鼠傷寒沙門氏菌(23564) |
旺盛 |
+ |