HiMedia Products - Bile Related 膽汁相關


Bile Related 膽汁相關









Bile, Bacteriological
used in various culture media as a selectively inhibitory agent.


Bile, Dried, Purified
used for general purpose.

Bile, Dried, Purified ,is obtained from purified fresh bile dessicated under controlled conditions of temperature that helps to ensure a uniform and reproducible product. It is a greenish yellow coloured, homogeneous, fine powder having characteristic bile like odour with partly bitter, partly sweet and disagreeable taste. It is freely soluble in distilled water. The aqueous solution is clear, yellow coloured and produces foam if shaken strongly. The solution remains clear after autoclaving without developing any precipitate, or scum on surface of the liquid.It is used as a selective inhibitory agent.It is equivalant to Ox Bile, Dried, Purified.
膽汁,乾燥,純化,從在受控溫度條件下乾燥的純化新鮮膽汁獲得,有助於確保均勻且可再現的產品。 它是一種綠黃色,均勻的細粉末,具有特徵性的膽汁狀氣味,具有部分苦味,部分甜味和令人不愉快的味道。 它易溶於蒸餾水。 水溶液是透明的,黃色的,如果強烈搖動則產生泡沫。 高壓滅菌後溶液保持澄清,不會在液體表面產生任何沉澱物或浮渣。它用作選擇性抑製劑。它與牛膽汁,乾燥,純化相當。
Bile Certified


Bile, Dried, Certified
used in culture media as a selective inhibitory agent.

Bile Dried, Certified is obtained from purified fresh bile to be used in culture media as a selective inhibitory agent. It is free from formaldehyde. It is prepared under controlled conditions of temperature that helps to ensure a uniform, reproducible product and to eliminate difficulties encountered in obtaining satisfactory supplies of fresh bile.It selectively inhibits bacteria growing in enteric environment and is recommended in media used for cultivation of enteric pathogens. It is equivalant to Ox Bile,Dried Certified.
膽汁乾燥,經認證從純化的新鮮膽汁中獲得,用作培養基中的選擇性抑製劑。 它不含甲醛。 它在受控的溫度條件下製備,有助於確保均勻,可重複的產品,並消除在獲得令人滿意的新鮮膽汁供應中遇到的困難。它選擇性地抑制腸道環境中生長的細菌,並推薦用於腸道病原體培養的培養基中。 它與Ox Bile,Dry Certified相當。


Bile, Bacteriological
used in various culture media as a selective inhibitory agent.

Bile,Bacteriological is prepared by concentration, purification and spray drying from freshly collected animal bile. It is used for bacteriological purpose in culture media as a selectively inhibitory agent. It selectively inhibits bacteria not growing in enteric environment and as such recommended in media used for cultivation of enteric pathogens. It is a greenish yellow coloured, homogeneous, fine powder having characteristic bile like odour with partly bitter, partly sweet and disagreeable taste. It freely dissolves in distilled water. Aqueous solution is clear, yellow coloured and produces foam if shaken strongly. The solution remains clear after autoclaving without developing any precipitate, or scum on surface of the liquid.
膽汁,細菌學通過從新收集的動物膽汁中濃縮,純化和噴霧乾燥來製備。 它在培養基中用作細菌學目的,作為選擇性抑製劑。 它選擇性地抑制在腸道環境中不生長的細菌,並且如在用於培養腸道病原體的培養基中推薦的那樣。 它是一種綠黃色,均勻的細粉末,具有特徵性的膽汁狀氣味,具有部分苦味,部分甜味和令人不愉快的味道。 它可以在蒸餾水中自由溶解。 水溶液是透明的,黃色,如果強烈搖動則產生泡沫。 高壓滅菌後溶液保持澄清,不會在液體表面上產生任何沉澱物或浮渣。
Bile Salts


Bile Salts
for use in Bacteriological culture media as selective inhibitory agent.

Bile Salts is extracted under controlled conditions from purified fresh bile, to be used in bacteriological culture media as a selective inhibitory agent for isolation and identification of pathogens, for example MacConkey Agar/Broth, Fluid Tetrathionate Medium, etc.
膽汁鹽在受控條件下從純化的新鮮膽汁中提取,用於細菌培養基中作為分離和鑑定病原體的選擇性抑製劑,例如MacConkey Agar / Broth,Fluid Tetrathionate Medium等。
Bile Salts Certified


Bile Salts, Certified
a specially manufactured extract of bile salts, prepared from fresh ox bile, is recommended as a selective inhibitory agent in microbiological culture media.

Bile Salts, Certified is refined product obtained by precipitating the bile salts with hydrochloric acid and separated from bile pigments and other substances in crude bile. It is used as selective inhibitory agent in bacteriological culture media.
膽汁鹽,經認證是通過用鹽酸沉澱膽汁鹽並與粗膽色素和粗膽汁中的其他物質分離而獲得的精製產品。 它在細菌培養基中用作選擇性抑製劑。
Bile Salts


Bile Salts Mixture
equivalent to Bile Salt No.3 for use in Bacteriological culture media as selective inhibitory agent.

Bile Salt Mixture is recommended for use is microbiological culture media for selective isolation and cultivation of bile tolerant enteric bacteria.It is recommended for use in MacConkey Agar, SS Agar, Violet Red Bile Agar. It selectively inhibits gram-positive and spore bearing microorganisms without interfering with the growth of enteric bacilli. In MacConkey Agar, Violet Red Bile Agar and SS Agar, very little precipitate is observed around coliform colonies facilitating the detection of lactose nonfermenting colonies.
膽汁鹽混合物推薦用於微生物培養基,用於選擇性分離和培養耐膽腸細菌。建議用於MacConkey瓊脂,SS瓊脂,紫紅色膽汁瓊脂。 它選擇性地抑制革蘭氏陽性和孢子攜帶的微生物,而不會干擾腸桿菌的生長。 在MacConkey Agar,Violet Red Bile Agar和SS Agar中,在大腸菌群周圍觀察到非常少的沉澱物,促進乳糖非發酵菌落的檢測。
Bile Salts Certified


Bile Salts Mixture, Certified
recommended for use in microbiological culture media for selective isolation and cultivation of bile tolerant enteric bacteria.

Bile Salts Mixture, Certified is recommended for use in microbiological culture media for selective isolation and cultivation of bile tolerant enteric bacteria.Bile Salts Mixture is obtained by hydrolysis of bile salts.