HiMedia :
With a presence in more than 140 countries HiMedia is amongst the top three brands in microbiology in the world. HiMedia, a company established by professionals and technologists for manufacturing high quality culture media for microbiology has over the years created a rich portfolio of exemplar quality products.

Product Rang
微生物學的應用 - 各行業產品分類
Applications in Microbiology - Products by industry
微生物學的應用 - 細菌/黴菌分類
Applications in Microbiology - Products by Bacteria/Fungus
[ 施工中 ]
HiMedia 產品影片
HiMedia Laboratories Corporate Video
Autism Intervention Center
HiMedia Blood DNA Extraction
Blood DNA Extraction - HiMedia Laboratories
Hi E Coli Water Testing Kit
HiMedia Southern Blotting Teaching Kit
Malaria Detection Demo by Using InstaDNA™ Card - HiMedia Laboratories
Alkaline Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Demonstration - HiMedia Laboratories
Wee 16
Wee 32
Wee 32 with stylus
Prima Trio